VFG Pull Through Sets are handy, concise little kits for your air weapons, perfect for quick pull through cleaning at the range when you don't want to carry a cleaning rod. These neat cleaning kits fit into every kitbag and are ready to use in a flash.
Available in .177 Match Set and .22 Firearm Set
- .22 Firearm Pocket Set is for .22 small bore calibre, pistol and rifle cleaning. Contains a plastic covered steel wire (the flexible cleaning rod), a contoured grip disc to make cleaning easy and safe for your bore, supplied in a handy tin with a secure lid
- .177 Match Set is handy pocket size pull-through kit for match calibres and contains super intensive felts and plain felt pellets. Contains a plastic covered steel wire (the flexible cleaning rod), a contoured grip disc to make cleaning easy and safe for your bore, supplied in a handy tin with a secure lid. Designed for use on even delicate weapons